Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm BAAAACKKKK (Is that too many K's?)

(7:17 lookee there a decent hour)Well faithful blog readers, sorry for the delay. I have sad news, philosophical deep thoughts, and hopefully some funny mixed in the middle.
The first item of business I'd like to report is: on saturday I rode (bicycled) 26 (yes count em' 26 MILES. Was it painful you ask? Of course not I'm BLACK PHYSICAL FITNESS WOMAN (duh duh duh duh [you know how the beat goes, don't front (for the slang impaired that means don't act like you don't know {BTW I expect that Irene Ota for sure should know what "front" or in the present progressive tense "fronting" means}]) (Just for the fun of punctuation and to irritate Jo let's add some more unnecessary parenthesis). Of course it hurt, around mile 15 I was tired and wondering several philosophical, if you will, thoughts. Please allow me to share them with you.
  1. How is it that fat sneaks up on you but skinny never does? This wouldn't be a blog without me expounding on this profound thought. I have never heard anyone say one day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror and saw a six pack. Or the ever popular I was walking through Chicago and a gust of wind came along ripped through the space between my legs where I could have sworn my thighs touched last week and when I looked down there was nothing but emptiness there.
  2. Who decided that spandex was for everyone? While I believe we should limit all types of discrimination, some types of discrimination may indeed be healthy. Like what you ask(you sure do have a lot of questions today)? The 500 lb man that comes on TLC should be required by law to wear more than a loin cloth; If you have gold on the top row of teeth you have to wait until all your teeth rot and fall out up top before putting gold on the bottom; and lastly if you're daddy was the president that should automatically eliminate your dumb a*s from being the president.
  3. When bugs hit you in the face do they thing you taste nasty?
Ok I will spare you the rest. Be warned there are more to come, anywho... So I didn't get the restaurant job (while we are on that topic THANK GOD FOR SPELL CHECK! I haven't been able to spell restaurant on my on for years). As reported I had my second interview but never received a call back about training. I'll admit I was depressed for a little while but I think I'm officially over it. My older sister (fictive kin Irene) told me that it was ok cause that meant God has something better for me. I must say I am getting a little desperate though. I thought about stripping but that lead to some deeper thoughts you may not want to know about.
Speaking of deep thoughts you should want to know about, I remember saying when I was in my EARLY 20's (I'm now and forever 27) that when I turned thirty (mind you which is right around the corner) I was no longer going to live the law of chastity (aka Mormon celibacy rules). Don't you think that's fair? Should I take an opinion poll.

All those who think it's fair that sexual activity after 30 should be good, legal, non-commandment breaking, and without consequence check this box: [ ]

The rest of you people who obviously have not thought about it long enough and therefore have established a different opinion check this box: [ ] (I plan on conducting my graduate research in the same manner just to let you know).

Anyway where was I...oh yeah getting job desperate. Well I still fill out applications every day. I even went to the department of labor services with my Mom, which by the way is a joke. A bunch of people with jobs sitting around telling people without jobs how to get them. While this seems logical at first glance really it's a lot hypocritical and narcissistic (couldn't spell that one without spell check either). Why don't the people who work at job services give up there jobs for a little while and then the people without jobs would have them. Besides the only companies who recruit this place are those who want to pay people nickels on the dollar. Which yet again brings me to something philosophical ( I wish I had one of those machines that makes things blurry to signal a flashback, you know like they have in the movies and on Scoobie Doo)

LIFE OUTSIDE OF ACADEME SUCKS!!! (how's that for philosophical) [I know Jo my parentheses are in the wrong place, but I'm a tweener [in between grad school and undergrad] so it doesn't matter] I wrote a while back about filing out applications and that whole work history bull-ish. Well in addition to that I don't know anyone who knows anyone. While we normally call this white privilege or nepotism I'm neither white nor do I know anyone name Nep. There are no professors to write me a letter or talk into giving me credit to TA for them. It's just me, out here alone, penniless.

Okay I'm done early with that rant. There are some other things that I want to talk about...I've been reading DuBois again and I'm a little troubled but I'll have to save that for another occasion. As usual thanks for reading and I hope you had as good of a time reading as I had writing.
Love and miss you

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